🌃👤I HAVE BOYFRIEND 👤🌃 MARRY THE NIGHT... Marry the night supuso para mi una lectura de mis sentimentos al aire libre en la que tenia una entradilla que decia 《Hi im Andres , i've speak for my live ... Yes, I HAVE BOYFRIEND , he call... NEW YORK yes new york ,i love her street's , her people , her music... is a story dificult speak but i speack because im stronge HI IM ANDRES AND IM ARTIST AND NOW, COMENCE DE LA MUSIQUE 》 Estos meses atras mos sentimentos han sido completamente distintos en estos 14/15 alos atrás por eso cuando en el video GAGA dice: 《When I look back on my life I do not want to see things as they happened, I just prefer to remember them in an artistic way it's as if my past was an unfinished painting and as I am the artist I must fill the ugly holes and make them beautiful》 Yo tengo varios sueños y aunque este al borde de lo peor siempre seré Andrés , conseguir...
Andreslacarcel Marca de moda española